Tube Of Your Choice, I am using Ed Mironuk. He is currently licensed through CILM. Please check out their website here for more information.
Mask that has been supplied Here
Birthday Celebration Tagger Kit found Here
This is a PTU kit and cannot be supplied.
Xero Filter
Font of your Choice. I picked Bubblegum Superstar which is a free font found here
1. Open a new Image 600 x 600.
2. Flood fill with white.
3. Choose a paper of your liking from the kit. Paste as a new layer.
4. Go To layers>Load/save mask and find your mask that has been supplied.
5. Apply your mask with the following settings.
6. Right click on your material pallet, merge>merge group
7. Go to effects>3d Effects>Drop Shadow with these settings. Horizontal & vertical 1 Opacity 85 and blur 10.00. Color change to a darker shade of your papers color.
8. Open the "Celebrate" word art and copy and paste it as a new layer. Posistion it to your liking. I placed mine top, center.
9 Copy and paste your tube, applying a drop shadow of your choice.
10. Click on your paper/mask layer and duplicate three times. Rename these three layers 1,2 and 3. Make layer one active.
11. Go to Effect and find Xero Fritillary filter. Use the following settings.
12. X out layer 1 and activate layer 2. Using your Xero Fritillary filter again, change the varation setting to 30.
13. X out layer 2 and activate layer 3. Using your Xero Fritillary Filter for a third time, change the varation setiing to 25.
14. Using elements from the kit, add embellishments to your tag, using as many or a few as you like.
15. Add your copyright info and your info.
16. For your name pick a font that you like and write to out, using colors of your choice.
Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 16 Feb [LA 07:00pm, NY 10:00pm] - 17 Feb [UK 03:00am, OZ 02:00pm] ).
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